WU Professors Seminar Series @ SLMCS
This unique seminar series, co-organized by WashU-ACP and the St. Louis Modern Chinese School, is designed to introduce college majors and research to high-school students and their parents. The audience will learn about different disciplines from experts in those fields, draw inspirations from cutting-edge research, and get advice for choosing college majors and career paths. The seminar series is open to everyone in the St. Louis Chinese community.
04/28/2024: AI Unleashed: Exploring the Mind Behind the Machine
This seminar is given by Prof. Ruopeng An from Brown School and Division of Computational and Data Sciences. Prof. An discusses recent advances in AI, explains its inner working, and shows it can be applied to a variety of domains. More pictures of the event can be found here (credit: Zhiwen Tang).
11/19/2023: Quantum Technology and Emergency Medicine
This seminar features two faculty from McKelvey School of Engineering and School of Medicine. Prof. Jung-Tsung Shen from Electrical and System Engineering gave an introduction to quantum technology, including the science, the history, and potential applications. Prof. James Li from Emergency Medicine talked about his own journey to the field of emergency and EMS medicine.
04/02/2023: Panel discussion on Business, Law, Social Sciences and Humanities
In this second seminar, experts from the School of Business, School of Law, Brown School of Social Work, and School of Arts & Science introduced their respective disciplines, research directions, and their career journey.
02/19/2023: STEM panel discussion
This inaugural seminar took the form of a panel discussion among professors from the Engineering School, School of Arts & Science, and School of Medicine. The speakers introduced their respective STEM disciplines, majors/minor degrees and key courses, current research directions, and their career journey. More than one hundred students and their families attended the seminar.